Jay Petrillo is a 27-year veteran of the North Providence Fire Department in Rhode Island. Recently having been promoted to Battalion Chief, he is currently assigned to Battalion 1 Group-A. Jay also works for the National Fire Protection Association in the Research and Data division where he is the co-author of the Annual Fire Fighter Fatality Report. As part of his duties at the NFPA, he was also a member of the Project Technical Panel for the Fire Fighter Contamination and Control Campaign.
Jay currently serves as the President of IAFF Local 2334 where prior to his presidency, he served as treasurer for 18 years. It was during his union activities he became involved with FCSN when while attending an IAFF conference, he ran into Donna Luce MacDonald, who was serving as Rhode Island’s FCSN State Director who was speaking at the conference and promoting FCSN programs services. “I had known Donna from high school and previous employment during our school years as well as having taught EMT together, so I was aware of her inspiring story and triumph over cancer. While speaking with her at the conference, I had asked her to bring the cancer awareness training to my department. After that class, she asked me if I would like to help her with the network in Rhode Island. Being so impressed with the class and the organization’s mission, I accepted.” Petrillo, became assistant state director in 2017 where he eventually transitioned to State Director. Per Petrillo, “Right now, we are conducting trainings for new recruits as well as newly promoted officers in some of our larger departments. I am currently working with some local firefighters recently diagnosed, as well as remaining in touch with some who have recovered. I enjoy attending the New England area shows and conferences with my northeast counterparts, all of which have become great friends!”