
2023 Podcasts (Clink link to listen)
- Podcast 1 (coming soon): Firefighters Attacking the Cancer Epidemic (FACE) TeamsSam Eaton (Palm Beach County, FL Local 2928 [retired]) and Chris Bator (Metro-Broward, FL Local 3080) from the Florida Firefighters Safety and Health Collaborative discuss how cancer in the fire service has impacted their departments and how they created the Firefighters Attacking the Cancer Epidemic “FACE” Teams.
- Podcast 2: PFAS Concerns Jason Burns (Fall River, MA Local 1314) and IAFF Chief Science Advisor, Derek Urwin (Los Angeles County, CA Local 1014) discuss Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) – a class of toxic chemicals fire fighters are exposed to. They highlight the concerns for fire fighters and the impact this has on departments.
- Podcast 3: Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN)’s Russ Osgood and DetecTogether’s Heather Maykel discuss how fire fighters can be their own advocate and how they can detect cancer earlier by utilizing the DetecTogether program. Russ and Heather explain some of the educational components of the training and tools to advocate for additional screenings.
- Podcast 4 (coming soon): Cancer Resources for Fire Fighters: Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN)’s Chief Operations Officer Joe Schumacher and the American Cancer Society (ACS) Senior Director of Field Corporate Strategy and Operations Kim Bruna highlight the cancer resources available for fire fighters through their partnerships with the IAFF. They highlight online resources, hotlines, and support services both organizations offer, and how those who are diagnosed with cancer or know someone who is diagnosed can access those resources.
2022 Podcasts (Click link to listen)
- Podcast 1: Cancer Goes Beyond the Fire StationChrystal Woodcock and Captain Shawn Griffin discuss losing a husband and best friend to occupational cancer, including the impact losing a loved one has on a family and department support during a cancer diagnosis.
- Podcast 2: What Is Cancer Insurance?The IAFF Financial Corporation COO Kurt Becker and Director of Insurance Sara McMullin discuss what the IAFF Financial Corporation is, how it benefits members and what services are available, including the new cancer supplemental insurance options.
- Podcast 3: Fire Fighter Cancer Cohort StudyDr. Jeff Burgess and IAFF Director Derek Urwin discuss the Fire Fighter Cancer Cohort Study, diving into the purpose of the study and what they see as the next steps.
- Podcast 4: Turning a Cancer Diagnosis Into Support for Others (COMING SOON)Dan King, a cancer survivor and FCSN mentor, joins us to discuss his diagnosis and treatment and how his experiences and lessons learned led him to become an FCSN mentor.
- Podcast 5: Research Drives Culture ChangeDr. Sara Janke and Bryan Frieders (FCSN) discuss issues female fire fighters face, behavioral health, stress and relevant research that demonstrates the need for culture changes in the fire service to reduce occupational cancer.
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